Melanoma New Zealand Research Fund

Melanoma New Zealand is proud to introduce the Melanoma New Zealand Research Fund – bolstering opportunities for impactful research focused on improving melanoma outcomes and patient experiences in New Zealand.

Melanoma New Zealand has partnered with Cancer Research Trust New Zealand to grow melanoma research opportunities for New Zealand clinicians, scientists and researchers alike. Together, the two organisations aim to improve outcomes for those affected by melanoma by funding groundbreaking research that advances earlier diagnosis, new treatments and better care of people living with melanoma.

“This an exciting and significant new area of investment for the organisation,” says Melanoma New Zealand Chief Executive Andrea Newland. “We are looking forward to the fund enabling innovative and meaningful research that has the potential to shift the dial on the dire melanoma incidence and mortality rates in New Zealand, and create outcomes that directly benefit patients and communities. Together with Cancer Research Trust New Zealand, we are committed to making a tangible difference in the fight against melanoma.”

Cancer Research Trust has more than 20 years’ experience in research investment. “We’re excited to use our experience in international peer review and evaluation by our expert assessing committee to identify bold new melanoma research projects. By teaming up with Melanoma New Zealand we can streamline the process for researchers and increase the funding for melanoma research without adding duplication,” says General Manager Dr Michelle Sullivan.

New Zealand has one of the highest incidence rates of melanoma in the world, and the highest mortality rate. More than 6,000 people in New Zealand are diagnosed with in situ and invasive melanoma each year, and almost 300 will die from it annually.

As an organisation, Melanoma New Zealand’s role includes advocating for melanoma patients of all ethnicities, including Māori and Pacific people. Although Māori and Pasifika have a lower incidence rate of melanoma, they often have thicker, more aggressive melanomas and can have poorer outcomes.
With case numbers across the board projected to increase due to an ageing population and ongoing exposure to high levels of UV radiation, New Zealand can’t afford to be complacent in tackling this issue head on.

Melanoma New Zealand is the only charity in New Zealand solely dedicated to preventing avoidable deaths and suffering caused by melanoma. The Melanoma New Zealand team works hard to champion melanoma prevention, detection and patient care for all in New Zealand.

Join the Journey

In 2020, Melanoma New Zealand received a bequest from the estate of Carol Ann James.  It was this generous gift that enabled the Melanoma New Zealand Research Fund to be established. Although Carol Ann is dearly missed by friends and family, her legacy will live long into the future.  

Whether you are a researcher, clinician, philanthropist, social scientist, or advocate, there will be numerous opportunities to contribute to Melanoma New Zealand’s research initiatives.  

The Melanoma New Zealand Research Fund is committed to investing for the long-term to achieve the desired outcomes.  Further contributions and support are welcome, to ensure sustainable and impactful melanoma research for years to come.

Support the Melanoma New Zealand team to drive progress, instil hope, and achieve Melanoma New Zealand’s vision of a country with no deaths from melanoma.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for the melanoma research funding?
Researchers interested in applying for funding should submit a Project Grant application through CRTNZ’s grants portal. Closing date for applications is 2 August through CRTNZ’s grants portal.

How much funding is available?
Melanoma New Zealand will fund one project grant in 2024. CRTNZ project grants are capped at $80K and all usual criteria apply.

Does this mean there is less funding available for other types of cancer research?
No, the Melanoma New Zealand Research Fund is adding to CRTNZ’s funds. This means CRTNZ will continue to fund as many research project grants as possible.

Are there special melanoma funds in any of the other funding categories?
No. The Melanoma New Zealand Research Fund is ring-fenced for the project grants category only. CRTNZ will continue to invest in other types of research funding and support training and education of researchers and cancer care professionals.

CRTNZ has the following categories:

  • Post-Graduate Scholarship
  • John Gavin Post-Doctoral Fellowship
  • Murray Jackson Clinical Fellowship
  • Nursing Fellowship
  • Professional Development Awards
  • Cancer Education Development Event Awards
  • Special Purpose Grants

How will the melanoma proposals be reviewed?
Melanoma proposals will be managed in the same way as all other cancer research proposals – including international peer review and evaluation by CRTNZ’s expert assessing committee.

Is CRTNZ still funding melanoma research?
Yes, CRTNZ will retain its focus on funding all types of cancer research through the annual round, including melanoma research.

Do you fund overheads?
No, as charitable funders of research, CRTNZ and Melanoma New Zealand do not allow funds to be used for institutional overhead costs.

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